nikola simich


Presidential candidate ad campaign

Identity / Retouching / Copywriting / Art Direction / Creative Direction

Our candidate had 100-percent name recognition. He is a well known politician, with a decades-long career, trustworthy and dependable, almost bordering on predictable and boring.

In general, people are governed by two competing impulses: an attraction to the excitement of new things and a yearning for the comfort provided by what we already know.
So, with someone that familiar, the challenge was to make it surprising and fresh, in a truly authentic and compelling way.

Early on, I noticed that his name “Rasim” is only one letter away from the Serbian word “Radim,” which means “I work” and which further translates to “I get things done.”
Lucky break, right? I’ve noticed that those tend to happen more often when you have enough experience.

Thus the slogan “Rasim. Radim.” (“Rasim. I get things done.”) was born.

The fact that he is so recognizable allowed me to use only his first name - one simple word connected to another simple word - his promise. Together, they create a powerful message and a clean and elegant way to effortlessly show his name, his message and his face, all at the same time.
No flags, no patriotic messages, no big words.

The logotype/slogan composition acts as a viewfinder, a window that allows the candidate’s face to emerge proudly and naturally.

The logo and it’s shortened “R” version created a foundation of an identity system that ultimately stood above the communication of all other candidates.

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Societe Generale Bank

Hard rocking Vlade Divac

Design / Art Direction / Scriptwriting